Heal acne, anxiety, a lack of mental clarity, digestive issues, menstrual trouble, pain, weak immunity, poor sleep, and more. Acupuncture heals without the dangerous side effects of drugs and surgeries. If you are brave enough for acupuncture needles, awesome! If not, there are so many other things Chinese Medicine offers that will help you.
$55 for up to 1 hour in person with Shelley at The Spa at Mills River in Mills River, NC.
Hypnotherapy allows us to work with the most powerful part of the brain, the subconscious! It allows us to accomplish goals, change bad habits and develop new ones. Hypnotherapy can help with a wide variety of things from finger nail biting, fear of public speaking, gaining more confidence, gaining determination, clarity and so much more!
$55 for 1 hour with Mario on Zoom.
Human Design
Human Design can reveal our personal decision making strategy so we can easily follow our inner knowing. It can show how and why we fit or don't fit in, why we argue with our siblings, why we do or don't remember facts and figures, why we feel so overwhelmed around others, and so much more. We aren't all here to be the same. HD helps us be better to ourselves and others by revealing and validating our differences. Read more here.
$55 for 40 minutes focused on your current challenges or interests with Shelley on Zoom or in person.
Astrology is one of the oldest sciences in the world. For thousands of years, cultures all over the planet observed the stars in relation to the four seasons. Astrology gives us a map to unlocking our greater potential and to understanding our uniqueness.
It can also reveal where we are prone to unconscious negative behaviors and potential upheavals. Astrology can assist us in becoming more self reflective and help us grow through barriers that may take us a life time to identify without it. Use your star map to assist you in living your best life while learning to accept the differences of others.
$55 for 40 minutes with Mario on Zoom.
Do I Qualify?
We ask that you already be on approved assistance of some sort (Medicare, Food Stamps, SSI, Meal Assitance, etc.) or that your family's income is below the amounts listed on the following chart. If you don't qualify, we'd still love to help! Call us for our regular rates.
Soul Center
PO Box 906
Etowah, NC 28729
(805) 657-1156